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Community Guidelines

First and foremost, please be kind and respectful to one another and use common sense when using SwapRoulette. If you encounter content that is against the rules, please report it and we will take action within 24 hours.

By using SwapRoulette, you agree that you will not:

You are solely responsible for any content you post and SwapRoulette will investigate and take legal action, in its sole discretion, against anyone who violates these rules, including removal of the offending post from the service and termination of your account and suspension of your IP address.

SwapRoulette reserves the right to investigate and/or terminate your account if you have violated these terms, misused SwapRoulette or behaved in a way that SwapRoulette regards as inappropriate or unlawful, including actions or communications that occur on or off SwapRoulette. In addition, in certain instances, we may terminate your account for violating the applicable terms of SwapRoulette. In the event that you violate these rules or our terms, your authorization to use SwapRoulette will be automatically revoked.

By uploading content and using our site, you agree to agree to abide by these guidelines and our terms of service and confirm that you are over 18 years of age.


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